I made a game in 1 second


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hey man, my name is Logan and I hope I don't sound weird when I ask this, but I was wondering if you would want to do an interview with me through a google meet. Its for my YouTube channel and you'd be the second person I'd interview if you'd agreed. It would only be about 10 minutes, maybe a bit longer. All I would do is ask you some questions about the game you made and thats it. My free times are tonight at 11:00pm central time, tomorrow aka Monday 4;30pm central time, tuesday 4;30pm central time, and thursday 4;30pm central time. If you don't wanna do the meet with me, that is absolutely fine with me. If you do want to, we can figure out an interview with one of those times. Please reply back back sometime today so I know if you wanna do the interview or not. See you then.